09 Jul FAMI Faculty Q&A!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – FAMI time! This year’s workshop – which kicked off today – marks FAMI’s 10th Anniversary, so we thought we’d bring you behind-the-scenes fun and fabulous facts from some of the beloved faculty that have been in on it from the beginning.
Dr. Avner Yemin, Diagnostic Radiology
Q: What percent of the body is bone? How much does the average skeleton weigh?
A: Female: 12 percent bone; average skeleton in a female of 160 lbs weighs about 19.2 lbs
Male: 15 percent bone; average male who weighs 200 pounds has about 30 pounds of weight in his bones
Q: Guesstimate the number of years of total formal education of this year’s FAMI faculty combined:
A: 147 years
Q: How many questions are you asked each week that are pertinent to your job that you cannot answer? What is a memorable or favorite one?
A: Usually one: “How did you choose to become a radiologist?” I don’t have one answer – rather a myriad of reasons – which luckily for me is a major part of the reason I am excited to go to work each day.
Q: What has been a memorable question a FAMI participant has asked you in the past? How did you answer?
A: “How did that happen?” (regarding the many injury patterns we show radiographically). Almost always a pedestrian struck by cab in NYC…watch out during your visit!
Matt McCulloch, co-founder: FAMI workshop
Q: In your ideal world, how many days would FAMI run each year?
A: Looking back over the years and taking 2 points into consideration, I would say that the number of days we have allowed for the workshop work out well. There is a significant amount of content to cover, and although 4 days is jam-packed, that seems to be the magic number. In terms of frequency, we have added FAMI 2 to give individuals that want to continue the FAMI experience forward into the year an opportunity to do so.
Q: Guess how many FAMI participants have registered since its inception?
A: 800-1000
Q: From how many countries?
A: I would say around 15-20.
Q: Take a guess, then, at how many people has FAMI impacted directly and indirectly.
A: Honestly, I truly believe that you cannot begin to guesstimate that answer.
FAMI has a ripple effect that continues from the attendees and is passed on to everyone in their lives. Starting most directly with clients, but then on to family members, friends, peers and other clinicians that they encounter.
Q: Guesstimate the number of years of total formal education of this year’s FAMI faculty combined:
A: Somewhere around 100. Most of the faculty has multiple degrees so this adds up quickly!
Q: What has been a memorable question a FAMI participant has asked you in the past?
A: One participant asked if someone donate their body to FAMI and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine gross anatomy lab.
Q: How did you answer?
A: First off, I was humbled that someone would even consider this based on the impact the FAMI experience had made on them. I simply thanked them for asking and informed them of the donating program that Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of medicine has.
Stay tuned for more Q&A fun with FAMI Faculty! AND, there is still time to submit your Anatomy Bluff to our Facebook Page; the deadline is extended until noon on Saturday, July 11th & the prizes are not to be missed!
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