12 Nov Meet Heather!
We are pleased to welcome Heather Shank to the Kinected team! A former dancer, Heather found Pilates as a fitness modality ten years ago in small town Indiana. Dancing less and less as the years went by, she found that Pilates was still a great way to find strength, grace and coordination in movement. After moving to New York and advancing in her high stress hospitality career, she decided it was time to focus on what she found important: helping others find that same strength and grace! Heather earned both her mat and comprehensive Pilates certifications from the Kane School of Core Integration. She is thrilled to be an instructor at Kinected!
Preferred Prop: My favorite prop is a yoga block. Or a Kane School ball. That’s a tough decision!
Fave muscle: My favorite muscles are the gluts! They’re so important to our movement experience, even when we don’t realize it!
Fun fact: When I’m not doing Pilates, I’m probably hanging out with my pug, Hercules. He’s awesome.
Book with Heather on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays!
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