20 Jun What makes the Kane School unique?
“The Kane School Teacher Training program is an academic approach to the study of the Pilates Method. The curriculum focuses on developing teachers that are equipped to work with healthy individuals as well as individuals with underlying compensations and orthopedic injuries in a safe and effective way. Through the intensive study of musculo-skeletal anatomy, biomechanics, injuries, movement pathologies and development of manual assessment skills, Kane School graduates have developed a reputation as some of the most qualified and sought after Pilates professionals in the field.
“The Kane School/Kinected educational community supports teachers in training through exposure to the latest clinical injury information, monthly programming lectures and hands-on tutoring with experienced teacher trainers. The final step of teacher training, a guided apprenticeship, provides an effective bridge to becoming a confident teacher. Our mission in the Kane school/Kinected educational community is for every student to realize her individual path towards becoming visionary teachers, compassionate guides, inspiring coaches, and informed movement educators through rigorous study of an evolved approach to the Pilates Method. It is our mission to educate and empower Pilates professionals to help clients bridge the gap between injury & health.”
–Kelly Kane, founder of the Kane School
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