10 Jan Core Function masterclass Q&A
Jinny McGivern, PT, DPT, CFMT will be teaching our next masterclass, Core Function, on Thursday, 1/19. But what is Core Function, exactly? Based on the principles of Core First Strategies™ as developed by Gregg Johnson, PT, FFFMT, FAAOMPT and Vicky Saliba Johnson, PT, FFFMT, FAAOMPT, it is taught through the Institute of Physical Art. We’ve got the detailed scoop for you here:
Q: What is the concept of this masterclass?
A: The concept is to make exercise relevant to improving functional movements such as sitting, standing, walking, reaching, etc. It also teaches how to perform those motions more efficiently.
Q: What is the structure of a Core Function class?
A: The structure is:
- A guided self analysis of a posture or movement (i.e. sitting or performing a lift)
- A bunch of exercises to improve components of the activity (combo of flexibility and stability)
- Reassessment of the activity (see what feels better without thinking too much about it)
- Instruction of key points for how to perform activity with reinforcement of how the earlier exercises tied in
Q: Who can it help?
A: This class can help:
- Those who want to improve their posture and make changes to inefficient movement patterns
- Those who want to gain a deeper understanding of how to activate their core
- Those who want to learn how the core plays a role in activities such as sitting, standing and walking
- Those who want to potentially reduce musculoskeletal pain through expanded understanding of proper body mechanics for activities ranging from sitting to lifting
- Those who want to complement their existing program of physical therapy with a structured exercise program
Q: What are the goals of the class?
A: The goals of this class are:
- To improve awareness of body alignment, posture and movement
- To teach exercises that can be used for self care (i.e. how to get core muscles turned on – really important for flareups of pain), how to improve flexibility of certain areas
- For participants to understand & experience how the different segments of the body work together
- To teach efficient strategies for posture & movement (i.e. how to efficiently sit, reach for something on a high shelf, squat, lift, etc)
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