21 May Healthy Hint: Travel Tips for your bod, Part I
Three cheers for summer, it’s finally here – and perhaps your long-awaited vacation, too! But in all the fun that comes with traveling, we sometimes find ourselves in cramped vehicles, planes, trains and automobiles for long periods of time – hours that can wreak havoc on our bodies. Don’t pay the price of a great getaway with back pain or back and hip stiffness; instead, combat discomfort and injury with these 3 simple exercises (in addition to getting up and walking around when you can while en route!). These are stretches you can use prior to your trip, during and after:
1. Figure 4 stretch
* Seated with one ankle crossed over the thigh of the opposite leg
* Hinge forward with a flat back and hold stretch for 8-10 counts
2. Straight leg hamstring stretch
* Extend one leg forward and flex ankle
* Hinge forward with a flat back and hold stretch 8-10 counts
3. Ankle circles
Circle each foot in each direction 8 times
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