July exercise of the month: Theraband on-the-go part 2

July exercise of the month: Theraband on-the-go part 2

Last month our video featured exercises with the convenient theraband- an excellent prop for a workout on-the-go! Follow this next video for more, and sign up for our July Masterclass, Vertical Pilates with Ashley!

Exercise 1: Bicep Curl w/ Thera-band

Set up:
Standing in lunge position
Thera-band double wrapped  around front foot
Hold thera-band in both hands
Pelvis and spine in neutral


Inhale: Contract abdominals and stabilize scapula
Exhale: Extend humerus
Inhale: Flex bicep

Exhale: Return to starting position
10 repetitions


Reverse Grip- Palms facing away from torso toward floor

Exercise 2: Tricep extension w/ Thera-band

Set up:
Standing in lunge position
Thera-band double wrapped  around front foot
Hold thera-band in both hands
Pelvis and spine in neutral


Inhale: Contract abdominals/ extend humerus and flex elbows
Exhale: Extend elbow
Inhale: Return to starting position

10 repetitions


Rotate palms so they are facing the mat


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