02 Apr suggested props for online classes
Here are some suggested props for some of the virtually kinected classes. If you don’t have all of them – don’t worry – modifications will be offered! If you’re looking for where to purchase, check out these links.
found objects pilates circuit:
- mat
- desk chair
- broom
- towel
- pillow
- half gallon plastic jug / full of water
- 2 cans of soup or beans
kinected kids:
- mat
- desk chair
- 1 – 2 light dumbbells (2lbs)
- area cleared for movement/ jumping
- couch
- class appropriate for 8-11 year olds
release: neck + shoulders
- mat
- desk chair
- towel
- pinky ball
- foam roller
teacher jam:
- mat
- physioball
- yoga blocks
- foam roller
- theraband
ageless movement:
- mat
- desk chair
- light hand weighs
- towel
- yoga block
- small pillow
- light theraband
energize reformer:
- reformer
- yoga block
- hand weights (if available, not required)
- long box
release: back + core:
- mat
- desk chair
- foam roller
- light theraband
plyo-mat express:
- mat
- theraband or theraloop
kinected kids:
- mat
- desk chair
- couch
- small inflatable ball
- tennis shoes
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