07 Feb NEW kinectED course with Joy Puleo
We can’t wait for this ALL NEW kinectED workshop in April with the amazing Joy Puleo! Joy is a Pilates instructor + practitioner and Balanced Body’s Education Program Manager. She is absolutely passionate about using movement as a crucial key to changing our everyday lives for the better. In 2011 Joy founded Body Wise Connection, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting healing through movement for people dealing with long-term illness, a challenging diagnosis or experiencing a life-altering event. Body Wise Connection works to restore physical self awareness and empowerment through gently, rhythmic Pilates based movements.
Body Wise Connection: Training to Heal, 4/19, 1-5pm
Training to Heal is a course designed to teach instructors the process a breast cancer patient encounters from diagnosis to the “new normal”. In this course we will review breast cancer and the journey that ensues once diagnosis is made. We pause at each potential junction in the journey: diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, lymphedemia, adjuvant therapies, and finally the “new normal”. We explore what each of these moments require medically as well as the physical and emotional implications. At each stage we also explore movements that are designed to restore function, support the individual and restore physical trust and empowerment.
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