benefit class with live music!

benefit class with live music!

Our next benefit class is Wed, 7/29, 1-2pm EST, with live music! Pilates organically has a built-in rhythm, either in the breath or the movement itself. This rhythm can impact many elements of a mat class – pace, intensity + awareness.

Kinected director Matt McCulloch + professional percussionist Yahaya Kamate join together to increase the rhythm experience of pilates – Yahaya will accompany the class with 4 different instruments: West African flute, West African drum, shakers and steel drum.
Register here!

Donations of $1, $5, 10 and $50 will go to the @bronxdefenders and Yahaya Kamate, weekly or monthly virtually kinected passes do not apply

Yahaya Kamate became interested in traditional dance and drumming as a child in Côte d’Ivoire, and, as a teenager, began formal training with his country’s National Ballet. He has performed with Fotemoban Dance Company, Djensia Group, and Camodgen of N’guatta Dolikro Dance Company of Cote d’Ivoire, and Affoubenou Sakassou Dance Company of Senegal. For the past 18 years he has worked as lead dancer and choreographer for several companies in the United States, including Kulu Mele Dance Company and The Seventh Principle; and he has taught dance with organizations such as Djoniba Dance & Drum Center, Mark Morris Dance Group, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Harlem School of the Arts, Center for Modern Dance Education, and City Lore.

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