movement quality masterclass

movement quality masterclass

Movement Quality Masterclass/Workshop with Rebekah Rotstein
Sunday, 10/8: 11am-12:30pm
$50, 1 Kane School CEC

What do developmental movement patterns, biotensegrity and integrated movement all have in common? Discover the thread linking all three with Kane School alum and former KinectED faculty Rebekah Rotstein as she returns to NY with this rare masterclass/workshop. The class allowing you to embody the information will be followed by demos and hands-on partner work to take into your teaching and personal practice.

Rebekah Rotstein is an industry leader for Pilates, bone health and movement education. She is the founder of Buff Bones®, a medically-endorsed exercise system for bone and joint health with trained instructors in more than 30 countries, and providing on-demand classes along with public webinars with its health sponsor UCLA Health. A former ballet dancer, Rebekah also worked in the Sports Medicine department of Smith College as a student athletic trainer. A diagnosis of osteoporosis at age 28 motivated her to advocate for others with low bone mass and to provide innovative education and programming for them. In addition to her Pilates training, she has participated in eight cadaver dissections, studied coursework in fascia research, somatic studies and visceral manipulation. Rebekah has presented at numerous conferences in the Pilates industry, at IADMS (The International Association for Dance Medicine and Science), and at the International Osteoporosis Foundation Worldwide Conference. She is a member of the Ambassador Leadership Council for the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation and serves on the Bone Health Working Group for the Society for Women’s Health Research.

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