18 Oct new virtual choreography intensive!
Posted at 21:57h
in anatomy fun, for movement professionals, for runners, new classes, Pilates at home, upcoming, virtually kinected
Choreography Intensive: The Runner
with Matt McCulloch
In this intensive on virtually kinected, studio director Matt McCulloch shows you choreography on the mat and the equipment to help balance specific muscle groups to benefit the runner and improve their flexibility, stability and dynamic movement. He will provide exercises to address important cross training needs in their overall musculoskeletal care + injury prevention, specifically programming to help avoid plantar fasciitis and IT band syndrome. Each video in this series gives you 40+ exercises on the mat and reformer, including assessments via a few reps of each without cueing, along with a PDF breaking down each exercise.
$30, yours forever with purchase // 1 KS CEC
Get it now.
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