Here at Kinected we take anatomy very seriously. We believe that understanding anatomy is a life-long process. However, we're also a pretty silly bunch that likes to temper our studies with a...

The focus this weekend at Kinected will be on the pregnant client. Join us for two continuing education workshops addressing this special population. First up: Debbi Goodman's Pilates Through Pregnancy workshop will...

Following in the vein of last month's kinectED workshop, Elliot Fishbein will be sharing his wealth of physical therapy knowledge in this weekend's Gait Analysis workshop. Here are a few things participants...

Stephanie P. Marango, MD, RYT is a Mind-Body Medicine practitioner in New York City. She merges the movement & medicine worlds in her private practice, as co-Founder of living anatome, as co-Director of...

Meet Rachel! Rachel Felson is a Certified Rolfer®.  After years of athletics (soccer, skiing, yoga, tennis, hiking, kayaking), Rachel had accumulated numerous postural patterns and chronic pain which severely began to limit her...

Meet Clare! Clare is a graduate of the American Conservatory Theater MFA program and a long time student of Pilates, having been introduced to it as an excellent accompaniment to her work as...

On the fence about Pilates teacher training? Looking for more than a generic course description to pique your interest? Check out the Kane School--our certification program at Kinected--& hear from Kane School...